Running for Mageia 4…
- libqxt
- qlipper
- syntastic
- mageia-doc
- razorqt desktop environment
- screenfetch
- gambas3
- scite
- areca-backup
A lot of work was required to update qlipper because it’s now relying on libqxt and this library wasn’t already packaged for Mageia.
Gambas3 3.5.0 was released and then packaged a few days after the Mageia versions freeze. It ships now with a lot of bugfixes and some new components like gb-loggin, gb-net-pop3, gb-mime, gb-openssl and so on.
Areca-Backup 7.3.7 add some new feature and it fixes some delta blocks backup bugs.
Angelo was finally able to bring some improvement to the yui library (libyui) so I’ll hopefully be able to continue my work on rpmdragora. Stay tuned! 😉
LINUX DAY 2013 – Italy
The Oct 26th, 2013 I participated to the Linux Day event in Vigevano, a northern Italian town near Pavia and Milan. The event was organized by the Linux User Group DUCALE (LUGDucale) from Vigevano.
During the entire day I was standing near my Mageia powered personal computer (1GHz cpu, 1GB ram memory and stuff like that) with a lot of fliers, to show people the powers of the current stable version and to provide any kind of information about Mageia and the software it provides through its repositories.
Summary of the event: 10+ Mageia Live KDE burnt on demand, 1 usb key prepared, many user really interested. I was really excited.
I want to say thanks to the entire crew for their great efforts and their passion.
Keep going this way!
MageiaOnline Backports for Mageia 3
I reactivated the backports repository a couple of days ago and the first packages are now available:
- gambas3 3.5.0
- areca-backup 7.3.7
- qupzilla 1.4.4
- vlc 2.1
This new versions brings some new features, mainly bugfixes. Other packages will follow but I’m currently working on testing each one of them very deeply. At the same time Victor is growing and it will provide better and useful informations.
Stay tuned and see you next month for a new summary of my contributions to Mageia.